Greyhound Technologies are a young American software venture company in Seatle who had been making do with their own in-house skills to promote their revolutionary product. Inroads into large multi-million dollar companies was highlighting the need to up the quality of their presentation material. As they were doing a lot of mailouts to select professionals the first thing to design was their logo and marketing brochure. Once Edward had done this, he was then commissioned to redesign their first generation web site. A standard banner design was conceived for consistency of design as most sections required their own special product diagrams. A zoom feature to user enlarge these product diagrams enabled the core messages to come through, but offered optional detail if required. They are very pleased with the results of all that Edward has done for them.

They are now undergoing a company name change as they found the 'greyhound' tag did not suit their business strategy. A new website is being developed.


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